In the REWIND project, we have been engaging diverse audiences through a range of dissemination activities to share our findings and make the project’s results accessible to the wider community.
We invite you to take part in the workshops of the REWIND project, organised in collaboration with the Digital Humanities Lab at NOVA FCSH, where we explore digital tools related to the methodology developed in the project.

The construction of historical narratives about women is complex. In a reality where their voices remain difficult to hear and are even silenced in some countries, it becomes pertinent to analyse the use of historical sources that have been relegated to the margins by traditional historiography. This analysis aims to amplify the voices of women who were unable to write as well as those who employed writing or artistic expressions to make themselves heard in the public sphere, to claim their rights, and to exercise their agency. Drawing on an extended chronology, the study adopts various methodologies to explore women as active historical agents, with the aim of creating polyphonic historical discourses.

We warmly invite you to participate in this enriching academic experience. Please refer to the seminar programme for further details.
On the occasion of Women Writers’ Day, celebrated since 2016 on the Monday closest to the 15th of October (the anniversary of the death of Teresa of Ávila), we have inaugurated the exhibition “Literary Journey: Rediscovering the Silenced Voices of Latin American Women Writers”. This exhibition brings to life the powerful literary legacies of Inés Echeverría, Zoila Aurora Cáceres, Clorinda Matto, María Enriqueta Camarillo, and Isabel Carrasquilla.

Welcome to the podcast of the REWIND project, where we delve into travel literature to explore the connections between cultural heritage, time, space, and emotions.
Would you like to discover how heritage shapes us as individuals, resonates in our memories, influences our life stories, and affects the way we perceive and navigate the world?

Reading Room

Lecture: “La Literatura de viajes como espejo de la Historia”. Programa Nacional de Salas de Lectura. Creación de comunidades virtuales de lectura – Mesa de Vocación Mediación Virtual. 30/11/2024.