

The configuration of the REWIND corpus has been particularly challenging. Source selection must be based on several criteria to make research coherent within the framework of decolonial gender theory. Thus, all corpus texts are by Latin American women authors who published in Spanish in book format, travelled to mostly the same European countries in the twentieth century before the Second World War, identified with the feminist cause and defended cultural diversity. In this way, Clorinda Matto, Isabel Carrasquilla, Inés Echeverría, María Enriqueta Camarillo and Zoila Aurora Cáceres became sociocultural interpreters of European cultural heritage as they built bridges between their cultural origin and Europe.

AuthorI. EcheverríaC. MattoZ. A. CáceresM. E. CamarilloI. Carrasquilla
Travel year(s)190019081905–19111913–19301929
France and SpainEngland, France, Germany, Italy, Monaco, Spain, Switzerland and Vatican City  Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and SwitzerlandBelgium, Spain and PortugalBelgium, France, Italy, Monaco, Spain, Switzerland and Vatican City
Spatio-temporal coordinates of the travels analysed in the REWIND project

Editions of the travel books used in the REWIND project:

You can consult the guidelines that have been used to annotate the travel books in the REWIND corpus and the texts encoded in XML-TEI: Comino Comino, A. (2024). REWIND Corpus (1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.